Artist Profile
Tania Thenabadu is one of Australia’s emerging artists. She has been living in Sydney and the Gold Coast for the last ten years, with a few years in between in Singapore. Her training as an artist started in Singapore where she learned the basics of drawing from one of the best art teachers – Cora Waterhouse. Tania ventured into different styles and mediums under Cora’s tutelage and now paints in acrylics and pastels. Tania has lived in Paris, the US, Denmark, Singapore and Sydney and those places and cultures have influenced her style which is uniquely her own. Tania has a Bachelor’s degree from Wellesley College and a Master from Columbia University in the US.
She was recently accepted into the Chateau d’Orquevaux Artists in Residency program, which is highly competitive and has a 20% acceptance rate worldwide. She was also awarded the Denis Diderot grant.
Please contact the artist if you are interested in purchasing one of the artworks or having a customised work done. Shipping overseas is possible.
This year my favorite holiday gift is a painting that Tania made of my three kids. She nailed their essence and so beautifully captured their silhouette and pose. The vivid details of the sunset, the waves and even the sand, add a perfect touch of color to the painting. I can’t wait to hang it in my study. Thanks Tania for this thoughtful artwork.
- Shazma Hakim, Washington D.C., December 2022